all labs +

vnLab projects competing at the 36th IDFA International Documentary Festival in Amsterdam!

Pilot 9/11 VR and Non Duality at Ji.hlava festival

Virtual experiences by vnLab in Prague

Solaris Mon Amour at international festivals!

vnLab at the Digital Culture Forum in Gdansk

Virtual experiences by vnLab at the Patchlab Festival in Krakow

The Art and Design of XR – Proceedings

Room 404

A short conversation between a brother and a sister

Wanda – It was supposed to be a dream come true…

Non duality

IO4 – Publications

Solaris Mon Amour – An extraordinary found footage documentary inspired by Stanis?aw Lem’s „Solaris”

XR (&) Education – program and recordings

XR (&) Education symposium

Erasmus XR Winter Academy – Kraków

New Visual Narratives | Conference | 1-3.07 Lodz + online

Publab – toward the future of reading (and a standard for web publications)