Erasmus XR IO3 – Case Studies

The intellectual output three, case studies of the Erasmus XR project, has been published using the Zotero research assistant. The Erasmus XR case studies are an Open Educational Resource (teaching material – collection of case studies in the form of videos and making-of videos with an introduction), showcasing also produced VR videos created by VNLab, made in both 3 and 6 degrees of freedom (DoF), VR resources created as part of art and curatorial projects. 

Following the fall training for academic staff in Athens/Psachno, the NKUA SMRG team collaborated with the Onassis Stegi Cultural Center team ( organizing a two-day symposium focusing on art, science and technology expressed in the field of virtual reality. The main objective of the event was to disseminate the results of the intellectual work. IO3 was published through the presentation of creative, artistic and research projects developed by significant European creators, educators and scientists, which are examples of educational materials within IO3. In parallel, there was an exhibition of VR demo applications and artworks, as well as an exhibition of demos created during the cadre training. 

Educational materials and case studies for VR-based courses include: 

– A series of presentations related to the processes of creating virtual environments, namely: analysis, design, development and evaluation, 

– A series of publicly available Blender files (including 3D objects and environments, nodes and modifiers), 

– Unity project series (use of assets and their properties), 

– VR experience demo series, 

– A series of video tutorials. 

The results have been made available to the public in digital form, with guaranteed free access via the Internet. Open access will help to increase the visibility of European projects, which is in line with the approach to the use of ICT and RES according to the European Commission’s directives “Open Access refers to the practice of making research results and products available online. As all research and innovation builds on previous achievements, it is an effective system for wide dissemination and access to research data and publications can accelerate scientific and economic progress”.  

From the point of view of other HE institutions, the most attractive outcomes are the module documentation in the form of curriculum and syllabus, as it constitutes ready material necessary for the procedure of curriculum revision. On the other hand, from the point of view of the non-formal and vocational education sector, the teaching materials (IO3) are very interesting. It should be stressed that the case studies can be an interesting reading material for people interested in digitalization, virtualization and modernization of culture, which widens the circle of users and makes it possible for the project to achieve a global reach. 

Please follow this link to gain access to the Erasmus XR case studies: